PASSION for combining tradition and innovation. And despite being a product with centuries of tradition behind it, Iberian Ham is part of a sector that is reinvented every day to always offer the maximum quality in its products. Proof of this is ÍTACA (Identification, Traceability and Quality System), a digital system that incorporates and transmits the traceability of Iberian products, from the birth of the piglet to the product’s arrival at sales points. A tool which reflects the sector’s absolute commitment to transparency and quality.
What information does ÍTACA, Iberian Ham’s ID document, contain?
The breeders, male or female, suitable for the production of Quality Standards.
Management of identification of piglets and animals being fattened using ear tags.
The animals’ breed.
The animals’ age.
Conditions for breeding and managing animals.
Control of carcass weight at slaughterhouses.
Managing identification with the standards seals placed in the slaughterhouses.
Maintenance of standards/traceability seals in the produce industries.

The “Ibérico” APP, a mobile application that shows the traceability of the Iberian Hams to consumers

This APP is an example of the Iberian sector’s commitment to provide information about the quality of its products, along with transparent traceability. The “Ibérico” APP enables consumers to verify that the Iberian Hams and Shoulder Hams comply with current regulations (Royal Decree 4/2014), thanks to the seals of the Quality Standard (black, red, green or white, and always with the ASICI logo) that identify each piece with a unique and individual bar code.
Thanks to its attractive design and easy/intuitive browsing, users will be able to know the type of product, feeding and rearing of the pig that gave rise to the piece, its breed percentage, its “vintage” (month and year of the start of production) and the Autonomous Community where production began.
The information shown to consumers comes from the Identification, Traceability and Quality System (ÍTACA), a digital information system that provides the traceability of Iberian products.
The APP, which is interactive and free of charge, has attracted the interest of consumers. In a short period of time, the “Ibérico” APP has had more than 16,500 downloads in devices from 38 countries, with more than 84,500 seal readings.
The “Ibérico” APP is an additional guarantee for consumers.